Chris Forster Receives the Sam Hobbs Award from the American Concrete Institute

As a testament to his 30 years of work in the concrete construction industry, and his contributions to the standards for concrete construction, the American Concrete Institute recently recognized Largo’s new Operations Manager, Chris Forster, with the Sam Hobbs Award.  The award was established in 1973, with the purpose of honoring Sam Hobbs, the founder of the ACI chapter system and significant contributor to the concrete industry. The award is made annually, if in the judgment of the Awards Committee there is a qualified recipient.

The purpose of the award is to recognize individual service to both the Southern California chapter of the ACI and the concrete industry overall.  Chris has been an active member of the ACI for 29 years, and his involvement has included positions on the ACI Activities Committee, Construction Liaison Committee and Committee 303-Architectural Cast-in-Place, along with serving as a past President of the Southern California chapter.
