Hawthorne Elementary Tops Out and 701 Magnolia Ramps Up
The Hawthorne Elementary School topped out this month in Dallas, TX earlier this month. The low-rise project is two levels above grade totaling 81,500gsf with a 6′ tall mini basement or crawl space below. The first elevated deck above the void is cast-in-place with level two being a combination of concrete and slab-on-metal-deck. Largo is also doing the site concrete scope for the facility scheduled to open during the Fall of 2021. This is our first project with Imperial Construction, Glen Partners Architects and Alpha Consulting Engineers and we look forward to many more in the future.
701 West Magnolia
Forty miles to the west in the Near Southside district of Fort Worth, Largo is beginning construction on the 701 W Magnolia development with general contractor Muckleroy & Falls. The four level creative office building has retail on the ground floor which runs along an open-air mall. On the opposite side of the mall features historic buildings dating back 100-years . A three level parking structure is also included in the development designed by VLK Architects and L.A. Fuess Partners structural engineers. Largo is scheduled to be poured out by October 2021.