Main Street Cupertino Parking Structure
Largo Concrete is currently working on the parking structure at the Main Street development in Cupertino. The long-span parking structure has a total of 8-levels, 2.5 of which are below grade, 1,414-stalls across 450,000gsf. The building utilizes a Shear Wall structural system designed by architects Kenneth Rodrigues Partners and International Parking Design with structural engineer Hohbach-Lewin. Largo is working closely with designers and the general contractor Southbay Construction to have concrete poured out by January 2015.
About Main Street
The Sand Hill Property Company is developing 17-acre site previously owned by Hewlett Packard located at the intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Tantau Avenue for an estimated $330 million. When complete it Main Street will feature 130,000sf of retail, 260,000sf of commercial office space, 120 rental unit and a 180-roon hotel.
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